Sunday, April 11, 2010

Amen To That!!

I had an Amazing time in Church today!! After Church me and God had a one on One and I toke a long  refreshing nap.  The nap allowed gave me some energy and I was able to briefly chat it up a bit with my mom.  Its Like April 11th and she needs to do her taxes and sadly so do I.  I was supposed to do them a long time ago and there is like no excuse as to why there're not done.  On a lighter note I will be seeing my mom and we can have some bonding time ^_^.  Ok sooo at that point I totally forget that I told my friend I would re-touch the do that I did 4 weeks ago. .......
Background Info: I do hair, mainly sew-in weaves and natural hair care, hopefully i can upload  previous and new do's.  I did a full sew in (no hair out) with Chinese bangs in the front it was really cute! 
But the Hair that she bought that (i wish I knew the name) SHEDS!! Her weave in the back was completely Bald!! I saw tracks with NO hair attached to them.  Even as I sowed in additional tracks to cover the bald spot the new tracts started to shed!  I have noo idea what hair she used but it was soo beautiful when i did her hair and the new tracks today looked awesome BUT as we all know looks can be deceiving.  
....Anyways Before I did my gurl's hair I met my sis and cuz at my dorm's computer lab to talk a little and help my sister recover her 3 page H.W document.  Thank You Lord for helping us Deliver that assignment!!! 

After I did my gurl's hair i chatted with my sis and cuz and made my way to to dollar store to get some supplies.  My Dorm is a mess, a wreck a triflin collaboration of Shame lol!!! I have really been feeling bad about some things that I will post later about and my space is always a reflection of how I feel and where I am at in my life.  I needed new cleaning supplies, a new mop and broom.  So even though it was about 7 I walked to the store located about 4 blocks from my dorm to shop.  I picked up a couple of t=other items like make-up remover, mascara and panty liners.  I also got a couple of snacks for my sis and cuz...
Sidebar:  I feel really good about myself when I do things for people free of charge I love to be a blessing to people because I appreciate it when people bless me and I want God to be like "thats my gurl" sorry it might be selfish but it makes me happy! I Love making others feel good!
...As i was saying, my trusty hippy-like sholder bag full of stuff in addition to mop + broom in hand i walked to my dorm just afer night fall.  I get back to the computer lab and now my Cuz was also having issues with the printers!! A really nice guy helped us out lol.  He walked over to the printer did his thing and it started to print.  What an angel!! It wouldn't be such a big blessing if it didn't take my cuz an hour and a half to find all the material she complied for her research.

They left after a short while (ok more like an hour) 9:30ish and now im back at my dorm ready to clean and scrub floors BUT WAIT!! I remembered that I actually have a presentation due tomorrow (><) Its only 3mins BUt I need to email it too my professor tonight and it's prolly going to take me 3 hours to do because each of my power  point slides have to be rich in detail and info because 1.) I have to do an Industry Analysis along with a Competitive Analysis of a Global company and 2.) I only have 3 mins and he will cut you off lol anyways i'm going to write another blog detailing my spiritual insight and i have to get to this presentation!  BTW I have like noo food and I just ate 3/4 of huge 5oz bag of White Cheddar Smartfood Pop Corn (in the black bag) with a glass of flat soda and I have a Philly cheese steak Hotpocket in the Microwave.  My stomach is already starting to hurt because 1.) I dont drink soda like that or eat junk food cause it makes me feel ickky (like now) and 2.) Im lactose intolerant 
.....Its going to be an interesting night lol 
NOTE TO SELF: only water for this sec on and fresh veggies,fruit and meat with ample amount of grains...starting tomorrow lol

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