Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday Photo OP!!

As I stated in my previous blogg I was up all night working but TODAY...... (Saturday April, 10 ok what can I say im a late owl ^_^)....  WAS BEAUTIFUL!  I had my first photo shoot!! The best photographer I know ERROL EBANKS (  Mind you I'm no model  I'm goofy and dorky as Steve Erkle BUT it was fun; I felt free and vibrant.  Today we went to the river bank I was a little nervous at first  but I let the wind mold my spirits and the sun kiss my features.  In the mist of our conversation, flickering camera lights and the glances from strangers I soaked up all the nature surrounding me.  It reminded me of how Good God is; He whipped up creations such as sunlight, cool grass, misting waters and soothing winds just so that we can have the opportunity to bask and feel refreshed.  In those few and far between moments in life, we should hymn praises from our Spirits declaring  a humble Thanksgiving. 

To connect to Errol Ebanks' Website click on the Blogg's Title "Saturday Photo Op"

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