Thursday, September 16, 2010

GOD loves ME...

After writing my blog last night I realized that It was hard for me to dedicate my life to God because of a few reasons.  It was hard for me to trust God because I was scared that God would force me to do things I didn't want to do.  I also thought that working in His kingdom and in ministry would somehow take away from all of my dreams and goals.  I thought that living for God would only be a lifetime of spiritual battle between my own desires and God's Plan for my life. Do you want to know what I thought Gods plan for my life was?  Boring mediocrity; never using or exploring my full potential and never getting to experience life worth living.

But the Holy Spirit intervened and reminded me that God is Love and He Loves me.  This I knew was true and the Holy Spirit challenged my preconceived thoughts..."Why would God do this to me if He Loved me?"  The Holy spirit directed me to this website: 
I learned so much!!  God LOVES US!!! He wants an intimate relationship with everyone of His children.  You have to go to the Website! He's always there and He wants to Bless us not only with material things but with joy.  He takes time to nurture and protect us and NO ONE can love us like He Can.  I wanted to learn about His Love so the holy spirit directed me to this website: 

God has agape Love for us, unconditional!  I always wanted to be truly loved and I always felt that I loved others more than they will ever love me.  I know for a fact that I have felt abandoned by everyone I've ever loved at least once.  I find it so easy to love others and I easily find myself burdened with such feelings.  I am soo glad that I know a Being who will Love me forever no matter what I do, what I look like; while never asking for anything in return.  He loves those who don't even know Him; he loves those who even abandon and hate Him.  I feel so good that there is someone who is quick to stand up for me, who teaches me and protects me with all the power He has.  I realized that it is soo easy for my to bend over backwards for my friends and family because  we care and love each other.  When I think about all the love that God has for me and how I have put my boyfriends/friends/ and family before Him, I get so angry.  All those times I was at a place I shouldn't have been or doing things I had no business doing I let God down.  I disappointed Him.  For what? To get approval from people that didn't really care about me like that and here God is who loves me the most!  It didn't make sense to me.  Because God loves me so much and is soo patient with me I will dedicate my life to Him because at the end of the day He is the one that cares, He is the one that mourns when Im sad and off course  and He is the supplier of ALL of my joy.  I decided to put God first before anyone or anything else.  I want to dedicate my life to God because feels good being loved.  I am in Love with the Lord lol..

I found this website which talks about serving the Lord:

God wants us to serve Him by serving others.  In everything that we do it must be for Him and not the "warm gushy feeling" you get when you do something good because that feeling isn't always going to be present.  We are commanded to serve.  We have to Choose to consecrate ourselves totally to the Lord.  At this point I struggled with this idea yesterday but today I realized that God loves me soo much and has been there for me soo much my life is a small price to pay for the love he supplies daily.  Not only that I trust that the Lord will lead me to a promising future (Jeremiah 29:11). Why? Because He Loves me soo much : ).  He loves me enough to make sure im going to be ok.  His Love is what makes trusting Him so easy because  I trust that HIS WORD is true and I have Faith that He will never leave me.  We were made to serve..something.  As humans we were made to want to help, encourage and be a part of something.  Now I know that I want to live to serve God.  

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